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Everyone is getting old; not everyone is growing old.

But, the path of purposeful aging is accessible to all. And, it’s fundamental to health, happiness, and longevity.

With a focus on growing whole through developing a sense of purpose in later life, this book celebrates the experience of aging with inspiring stories, real-world practices, and provocative questions to help you navigate the path from adulthood to elderhood and to become more authentically the person you always meant to be with each passing year.



Richard Leider

Welcome to the Power of Purpose.

Everything that exists has a purpose. We were born for a reason and we live in a purposeful world. Every one of us has unique gifts and a purpose to use those gifts to contribute value to that world. My purpose is to help you to UNLOCK YOUR PURPOSE

Richard’s books for purposeful living

Richard is the author of eleven books, including three best sellers, and his books have sold over one million copies. Repacking Your Bags and The Power of Purpose are considered classics in the personal growth field.

Fireside Blog

From the blog of Richard Leider

Blog Posts

Reimagine Your Retirement

What kind of life do you imagine at 50? 60? 70? 80? 100? Will you retire? Should you retire (ever)? When will be the right time to retire? We are...

Rearview Mirror Revelations

At age 80, I still ask myself “Who do I want to be when I grow old?” I have enjoyed many roles: author, entrepreneur, corporate executive, global speaker, father, spouse,...

How To Age Magnificently

“The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.” ~ (Swedish Proverb) Having worked in the field of adult development and aging for over five decades, I continually find myself faced...


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