
How Shall We Live?

CAN WE GROW FROM CRISIS?How shall we live post-pandemic? Can we find positive change in this crisis – a new appreciation of life, a newfound sense of personal strength, and...

Three Steps to Unlocking Your Purpose

Why Purpose Matters“Why is it so hard to find my life purpose?” “Does it really matter?” There are many reasons. Sometimes the world’s problems just seem too big and we...

Is Purpose Spiritual?

The path of purposeful living is, ultimately, a spiritual journey. From birth onward, we are all getting older. But we are, hopefully, also growing whole – maturing spiritually. Aging belongs...

Global Servant-Leadership Book

The contributors to this collection address some of the most significant leadership challenges of the twenty-first century to reveal a path toward more healthy and sustainable individuals, families, organizations, and...

The Power of Perspective

Ellen Langer challenges the idea that the limits we put on ourselves, as we age, are real. Opening our minds to what’s possible, instead of presuming impossible, can lead to...

Finding Meaning in the Morning

Finding our life’s purpose can feel “just out of reach.” A “maybe someday” idea that we hope to fulfill in the future. But, what if your purpose is within your...

Life in Limbo

Change happens. Transition is a choice. It’s how we choose to deal with the change. Some people make constant changes, so they won’t have to make transition choices. Let’s take...

The Working Worried

Many of us, today, are working and worried. Gone are the days when having a job meant “doing your job.” We are feeling anxious and worried because we can no...

StarTribune Feature Article ~ How to Find Our Purpose Now

Gail Rosenblum, editor of the Inspired section at StarTribune, interviewed Richard on finding purpose in times like these. Click HERE to read the article on

The New Midlife Crisis

You’ve no doubt heard of or had a “midlife crisis” – that period of chaos some go through roughly between the ages of 40 and 60. But, have you heard...

Minnesota Alumni Spring 2020 Feature Article ~ Unlock Your Purpose

Finding out what we’re meant to do with our lives can be a journey taken in stages, filled with periods of reflection and reassessment along the way. Richard is featured...

Imposter?… Take This 3 Question Quiz

Have you ever felt like “I’m in over my head and they’re going to find out?” Let me share a little coaching secret: Deep down many successful people feel like...